Time to start coding!

But not to worry, I have done all of that for you.

Head over to my GitHub repo, click on releases and download the latest one.

From there, unzip and double click on the vibration.ino file to open the Arduino IDE.

Hit the tick icon in the top left to compile and check the code, make sure it has no errors. If it does, raise an issue on the GitHub issues tracker and it will be taken care of.

If everything compiled correctly and no errors were encountered, plug in the RS232 adapter and hit upload.

Once the upload is complete it should execute the code. Create a hotspot on your phone and be sure to turn off all security to make it 'free', just be sure to turn it off when you're done testing.

Open up the console window and watch for output.

Setup done

Scan start
Scan done
Open network not found

Scan start
Scan done
Open network not found

Scan start
Scan done
Open network found - vibrating

If you see something like this then it's time to produce a cleaner circuit.