Parts you'll need:
A USB To RS232 adapter to program the ESP8266.
A ESP8266 Model-03 board. This will be the base for the rest of the parts.
A 2N222A Transistor to drive the motor. The link is for a pack of 20 but you can find these at most electronic parts stores.
1 or 2 3 volt vibrating motor depending on vibration strength and personal taste.
A 3.7v LiPo battery and LiPo battery charger. Along with some battery cables to attach to the board and supply the power.
Breadboard or perfboard to flash the software.
Some wire (maybe 22AWG) and a soldering iron + solder to join at all together.
Total of all parts should be around $15 AUD or just over $11 USD, not bad for a quick mod.
Next we set up the Ardino IDE.